The Single Leg Wall Sit is a useful test focusing more on quadriceps and anterior thigh endurance strength and requires little equipment.
Most research on this test has been performed on high school participants with some research suggesting that an average of 50-75 seconds for males and 35-45 seco...
The Single Leg Sit To Stand Test (SLSS) is a useful single-leg strength test for those that do not have access to a lot of equipment. Due to the open-chain nature of the test, it requires more balance and skill than performing the Sing Leg Leg Press and can be used also to assess the kinematics and ...
The Single Leg Sit To Stand Test (SLSS) is a useful single-leg strength test for those that do not have access to a lot of equipment. Due to the open-chain nature of the test, it requires more balance and skill than performing the Sing Leg Leg Press and can be used also to assess the kinematics and ...
The Single Leg Adductor Plank test is a physical fitness assessment that measures an individual's ability to stabilize their core and hip muscles while performing a unilateral (single-leg) exercise. The Single Leg Adductor Plank test is designed to assess an individual's core and hip stability, as w...
The Single Leg Hamstring Bridge is another great strength assessment for posterior chain lower limb strength that requires little equipment to perform.
Research by Freckleton, Cook, and Pizzari, 2013 investigated this test and its risk of a hamstring injury in football players finding that those wh...
The Single Leg Side Plank Raises test is a physical fitness assessment that focuses on the lateral stability of the core and hip muscles. This test involves assuming a side plank position and lifting the top leg while keeping it straight and the foot flexed.
To perform the Single Leg Side Plank Rai...
Sporting activities often require a complex integration of the upper and lower extremities. The core which is defined as the trunk, pelvis, and hip, functions as the link between the upper and lower extremities, and stability of this region is proposed to be a requisite for optimal athletic performa...
The Single Leg Adductor Raises test is a physical fitness assessment that evaluates an individual's strength and endurance of the adductor muscles in the inner thigh. This test involves lying on one side and lifting the top leg while keeping it straight and the foot flexed.
The Adductor raise...
The PSET is an isometric test performed to failure (Evans et al., 2018). Individuals hold a standardized external load based on body weight and arm length while lying prone with the shoulder in 90° of horizontal abduction and full external rotation (Chaffin DB, 1999; Evans et al., 2018).
The Poster...
The Single Leg Side Plank test is a fitness assessment exercise that measures your core strength, balance, and stability. The test is over when you can no longer hold the position with good form or if you touch the ground with your lifted leg or any other part of your body. The length of time you ca...
The Side Plank test is a fitness assessment exercise that measures your core strength, balance, and stability. The Side Plank test is commonly used in sports and physical therapy settings to assess and track an individual's core strength and stability progress over time. It is an effective exercise ...
Here are the steps to perform shoulder endurance strength testing with a dumbbell:
1. Have the participant sit or stand with their arms at their sides and a dumbbell in one hand.
2. Instruct the participant to raise their arms to shoulder height and hold the dumbbells with their palms facing down.