Runners: introducing the glute max running Mar 20, 2024

Whilst it's not as big a player as many other muscles during running, the glute max plays a role nonetheless! After all, the glute max is the BIGGEST muscle in our body, so it's got to be doing something!

The glute max is most active during the initial contact phase of running as it resists ground ...

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Stiff, tight calves? Two tests to assess assessment running Mar 20, 2024

😖Stiff, tight calves? Here are a couple of tests that we use to assess calf flexibility & how we use them.

📏🦵First up, we have the Weight-bearing lunge test, also known as the knee-to-wall test. With the toes facing straight forward, drive the knee as far forward as possible, ensuring the hee...

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Achilles Paratenon Involvement: what is it & how to fix it running Mar 20, 2024

The paratenon can be a cause of tendon pain, but what is it & how can it be fixed?

The paratenon is a sheath that covers the Achilles’ tendon which can get irritated & cause tendon pain. Its' function is to protect the Achilles tendon & reduce the friction between the tendon & adjacent structures...

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Strength Isometric Test: Spine - Flexion & Extension strength-isometric Feb 13, 2024

When looking at the isometric strength of Spine flexion and Extension there are multiple positions with limited reliability. We generally find these positions are not suited for clinical practice and recommend testing the spine strength with other assessments, which Measurz contains many!

In the im...

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Does Strength Training Really Make Runners Faster? running Feb 09, 2024

For runners, the quest for speed and efficiency is perpetual. While pounding the pavement and clocking in miles have been staples in every runner's regimen, the role of strength training in enhancing performance has been a topic of debate. Recent studies shed light on the impact of various strength ...

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Runners, introducing the hip flexors running Feb 09, 2024

If we again delve into Tim Dorn’s 2012 study on the contribution of various muscles in running, we see the hip flexors (iliopsoas) performing close to 2 x bodyweight of work at slower speeds, but with an increased contribution at faster speeds, to the point where at 9 metres per second, the iliopsoa...

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Calf Raises: Knee Bent vs. Knee Straight running Feb 09, 2024

Ever wondered how your calf raise technique can impact different muscles in the calf group? Let's explore the science behind knee-bent vs. knee-straight calf raises! 🦵💡

🔍 Muscle Trio:

The calf muscle group comprises three main players – the medial gastrocnemius, the lateral gastrocnemius, & the so...

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🏋️Progressive loading of the Achilles tendon🤸‍♀️ running Feb 09, 2024

🏋️Progressive loading of the Achilles tendon🤸‍♀️

 🎯A neat study has recently been published by Baxter et al, which examined the Achilles tendon load in common exercises & compared them to walking and running.

🔍Our previous post discussed the importance of doing more than just calf raises to prepar...

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Should you change your running technique? running Feb 09, 2024

So we’ve previously discussed that your running technique CAN be changed (here), but the more important question is: SHOULD you change it? So let’s discuss some of the reasons FOR and AGAINST changing running technique.


Symptom modification

  • There have been multiple studies showing bot...

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Can you change running technique? running Feb 09, 2024

“The way you run, is the way you run” is a common statement we hear when it comes to running technique, inferring that you can not change the way you run. So can you change how you run?

Running is a complex skill, represented as such in the brain alongside other complex movement skills like swing...

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Balance and Proprioception: Single-Leg Balance with Head Rotation balance and proprioception Jan 29, 2024

The Single-Leg Balance with Head Rotation is an exercise commonly used in physical therapy, rehabilitation, and fitness training. It involves standing on one leg while rotating your head and neck in different directions. This exercise helps improve balance, stability, and coordination while also cha...

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Flexibility: Prone Heel to Butt flexibility Jan 29, 2024

"Prone Heel to Butt" is an exercise that involves lying face down (in a prone position) and bringing your heels toward your buttocks. This exercise is often used in physical therapy and fitness training to improve flexibility, strength, and mobility in the lower body, particularly the hamstrings and...

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