Range of Motion: Shoulder Internal Rotation 0 degs range of motion Aug 29, 2023


To test Shoulder Internal Rotation 0 degs range of motion with an inclinometer, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Have the client start in a seated or standing position with one arm tucked into their trunk, and their elbow flexed at 90 degrees with their thumb facing up toward the ...
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Range of Motion: Prone Hip External Rotation range of motion Aug 28, 2023


  1. Have the client adopt a prone position, face down on a massage table or mat.
  2. Ask the client to flex one knee up, with their heel directly over their knee.
  3. Place the Measurz inclinometer along up and down alongside the clientā€™s tibia.
  4. Have the client externally rotate their hip, brin...
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Range of Motion: Prone Hip Internal Rotation range of motion Aug 28, 2023

Materials Needed:

  1. Inclinometer (a device used to measure angles of rotation)
  2. Examination table or surface


  1. Have the client adopt a prone position, face down on a massage table or mat.
  2. Ask the client to flex one knee up, with their heel directly over their knee.
  3. Place the Measur...
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Range of Motion: Femoral Nerve Tension Test range of motion Aug 27, 2023


  1. Much like the Prone Knee Flexion test, have the client adopt a prone position, face down on a massage table or mat.
  2. Ask the client to flex one knee up, with their heel directly over their knee.
  3. Holding the top of the smart device into a bony surface of the tibia, instruct the client ...
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Range of Motion: 90/90 Active Knee Extension (AKE) range of motion Aug 27, 2023


  1. Have the client adopt a supine position lying down on a massage table or mat. Once established, have the client bring their hip up into 90 degrees of hip flexion.Ā 
  2. Align the Measurz inclinometer with up and down next to the clientā€™s knee and in line with their hip. This will allow us ...
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Not all miles are equal: understanding training load in runners running Aug 24, 2023

Ā When managing runners, understanding and managing your training load is crucial for optimizing performance & avoiding injuries. Training load refers to the amount of stress placed on the body during training sessions. Measuring and monitoring this load is essential for ensuring a balanced and effec...

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Wellness Assessment: Sleep Quality & Quantity wellness Jul 20, 2023

Measuring sleep quality on a scale of 0-10 is a common method used to assess an individual's sleep. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Explain the 0-10 scale to the individual, with 0 being the worst possible sleep quality and 10 being the best possible sleep quality.
2. Ask the individual to rate the...

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Wellness Assessment: Mood wellness Jul 19, 2023

Measuring mood levels on a scale of 0-10 is a common method used to assess an individual's mood. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Explain the 0-10 scale to the individual, with 0 being the worst possible mood and 10 being the best possible mood.
2. Ask the individual to rate their mood on the scale,...

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Wellness Assessment: Stress wellness Jul 18, 2023

Measuring stress levels on a scale of 0-10 is a common method used to assess an individual's level of stress. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Explain the 0-10 scale to the individual, with 0 being no stress and 10 being the most severe stress they have ever experienced.
2. Ask the individual to rat...

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Wellness Assessment: Fatigue wellness Jul 17, 2023

Measuring fatigue on a scale of 0-10 is a common method used to assess an individual's level of fatigue. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Explain the 0-10 scale to the individual, with 0 being no fatigue and 10 being the most severe fatigue they have ever experienced.
2. Ask the individual to rate t...

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Repetition Maximum Testing: Bench Press strength-repitition Jul 16, 2023

Here is a general protocol for testing 1RM bench press strength:

  1. Warm up thoroughly: Perform a general warm-up consisting of light aerobic exercise followed by specific warm-up sets of the bench press. Gradually increase the weight with each set until you reach a weight that is close to your anti...
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Repetition Maximum Testing: Squat strength-repitition Jul 15, 2023

The 1RM (one-repetition maximum) squat strength test is a commonly used test to measure an individual's maximal strength in the lower body. Here are the general steps to conduct the test:

  1. Warm-up: Start with a light aerobic warm-up (e.g., cycling, jogging) to increase blood flow and elevate body ...
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