Day 3 - Time to hit the MAT training Jan 13, 2019

Today we start the physical testing and look at a couple of MAT tests, including my favourite, the star excursion balance test.


WBLT: L 12cm (40degs) R 8cm (35degs)


  • Ant L  64cm R  55cm (81% of limb length)
  • Antmed L 67cm R 60cm
  • Antlat L 58cm R 52cm
  • Med L 77cm R 75cm
  • Lat L 68cm
  • ...
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Day 2 - Surprises training Jan 13, 2019

Today we look at some anthropometric measurements and outcome measures.

What other anthropometric measurements do you use with your patients and clients?

Do you have any go-to outcome measures that you use with your clients to track activity levels?


Weight: 66kg

Height: 166cm (5'6)


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Day 1 - New Years Resolution training Jan 11, 2019

After four massive years helping almost 5000 therapists and trainers improve one million people every month around the world using the MAT, my physical capacity isn't what is used to be.

My strength.........gone

My flexibility........gone

My fitness............non-existent

So I thought it was ab...

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What’s happening in 2019 at MAT? Jan 11, 2019

Make 2019 your best year yet with the MAT

#mat #themat #movementassessment #matassessment 

#physio #osteo #podiatry #chiro #movement #assessment #ep #exphys

#physiotherapy #osteopathy #chiropractic #injuryrehab #injuryprevention #2019

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What Can We Learn From The Winter Olympics About Movement Assessment? - It's Not What You'd Expect Feb 26, 2018

Well, it's been an amazing two weeks at the Winter Olympics games in Pyeongchang, hasn't it?

Filled with amazing record-breaking feats, it's been must-watch viewing. If you're like us at MAT, you've been glued to the screen to see how far the human body can be pushed. Often just a little too far as...

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Agility T-test assessment Feb 17, 2018

Why Is Agility Important?

Agility is the ability to change direction rapidly and requires physical capacity and technical skill to execute. It is an essential component of many sports and therefore health and fitness professionals should look to assess this skill when rehabilitating patients or opt...

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Strength Testing with Hip Abduction Holds/Raises assessment Feb 17, 2018

Why Is Hip Abduction Strength Important

Hip abduction is a movement where our leg moves away from the midline of the body or the opposing leg, this movement is primarily produced by our Gluteal muscles (Maximus, Medius, and Minimus).

In upright functions such as walking and running the hip abducto...

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Strength Testing with Hip Adduction Holds/Raises assessment Feb 17, 2018

Why Is Hip Adduction Strength Important

Hip Adduction is the movement of where we bring our leg closer to the midline of the body or closer to the other leg. It is largely performed by our adductor muscle group (adductor magnus, longus and brevis). Interestingly however the adductor muscles are oft...

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Enhance Your Spinal Assessment With The MAT assessment Feb 16, 2018

Why Is Spinal Flexibility Important?

Our spine is made up of 3 sections (Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar vertebrae) with the sacrum and coccyx forming part of the tailbone. Each area is individualized in the way it moves, for example, the Lumbar Vertebrae are biased to perform flexion and extension m...

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Strength Testing With Single Leg Hamstring Bridge Test assessment Feb 15, 2018

Why Is Hamstring Strength Important?

The hamstrings are a group of muscles comprising the biceps femoris (long and short heads), semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. Together, these assist in various combinations to extend the hip, and flex and rotate the knee.

They are also especially important i...

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Strength Testing with the Single Leg Wall Hold Test assessment Feb 15, 2018

Why Is Quadriceps Strength Important?

The Quadriceps has been shown to be one of the most important muscle groups in upright human function with a lack of strength in this muscle been shown to increase the risk of ACL injury, reduced running performance, and association with falls in the elderly. 

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Strength Testing with Planks assessment Feb 15, 2018

Why Is Core Strength Important?

Core strength has long been associated as an important capacity for athletes and the general population to improve performance, improve posture and potentially reduce the risk of injuries. 

Having a strong core has been implicated in improving the stability of the t...

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