In this video, we will take you through a step-by-step approach to quickly send reports to your clients.
From Measurz mobile app (download or share via many apps)
From within any session you can click the PDF button in the top right hand corner, then simply hit the share icon on the unified pdf resu...
How to Conduct the Standing Calf Raise Test to Measure Lower Extremity Strength
Assessing a client’s lower extremity strength is essential for evaluating mobility and overall functional health. One reliable tool for this assessment is the Standing Calf Raise Isometric Test, which measures force pro...
Belt Squat Test: A Practical Guide for Assessing Quadricep Strength
The Belt Squat Test is a versatile and accessible assessment tool for measuring quadricep strength, especially useful for clients who may struggle with loading a barbell in a front or back rack position. Whether your client is reco...
Single Leg Belt Squat Test: A Practical Guide for Assessing Unilateral Lower Limb Strength
The Single Leg Squat Test is a highly effective and accessible tool for measuring unilateral lower limb strength, particularly useful in identifying asymmetries between legs. This test offers a low-impact way...
A Step-by-Step Guide for Physical Therapists on Conducting the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull (IMTP) Test
The Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull (IMTP) test has become a valuable assessment tool in physical therapy and sports performance for measuring an individual’s maximal isometric force. It’s commonly used to ...
Maximizing the Isometric Front Squat Assessment with MAT Products
Isometric strength assessments, like the isometric front squat, provide valuable insights into the force output of lower limb muscles, making them a staple in assessing muscular health, athletic performance, and rehabilitation progre...
How to Conduct the Standing Calf Raise Test to Measure Lower Extremity Strength
Assessing a client’s lower extremity strength is essential for evaluating mobility and overall functional health. One reliable tool for this assessment is the Standing Calf Raise Test, which measures force production in...
The isometric push-up test is an effective way to assess upper body strength in a static position.
When conducted with Muscle Meter and Tester platform the test allows you to measure peak force exerted during an isometric hold, providing objective data to guide training and monitor progress over t...
The Mid-Thigh Pull (MTP) test is a common assessment used to measure maximal isometric strength, particularly of the lower body. This test is used in athletic performance assessments, rehabilitation, and strength and conditioning. While specific normative data for the MTP varies depending on the pop...
Understanding Pain Pressure Threshold Testing: A Comprehensive Guide
Pain pressure threshold (PPT) testing is a valuable diagnostic tool used in clinical settings to assess the sensitivity of tissues to pressure. By measuring the minimum force that induces pain, healthcare providers, ...
There are so many alternatives & modifications for this simple exercise, so here are some of our favourites & when we would use them.
🎯Single leg calf raises
Why? bread & butter here, but this simple exercise can take you far!
🎯Seated calf raise:
Why? In this position, it reduces...
Injured your calf? Calf tightness? Think a few simple bodyweight calf raises will get you sorted? Think again!
Firstly let's look at the contribution of the calves when running, & in short, they do a LOT of work. The larger of the calf muscles, the soleus, is highly important for running taking 6...