The MAT®
The World's # 1 Movement Assessment Tool
The MAT® (Movement Assessment ToolTM) was designed to help you improve your assessment by allowing you to quantitatively assess all three-dimensions of any functional movement that your patients, clients and athletes need to perform to achieve their individual needs, wants and goals.
The MAT helps you move beyond traditional assessments by allowing movement to be assessed, as it should be, in upright tasks and functional movements using the latest evidence-based tests, including:
- Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT)
- Y-Balance test (YBT)
- Weight Bearing Lunge Test (WBLT)
- Hop + Jump tests
- Squats tests
- Lunge tests
- Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Test (CKCUET)
- Upper Quarter Y-Balance Test (UQYBT)
- Star Excursion Sitting Test (SEST)
- Standing Long Lump
- and many, many more Functional Performance Tests

The MAT® is a valid and evidence-based tool that allows you to collect meaningful, reproducible, quantitative data. This data allows specific treatment, rehabilitation and exercise programs to be developed and tailored to each individual patient or client. This data will provide you with accurate baseline measurements to evaluate the success of your intervention and monitor a patient or clients progress over time.
Reproducible and reliable data is necessary to help you make unbiased decisions on your patients or clients health status and to help with clinical decision making about whether those you work with are safe to begin training, return to work, the sporting field or complete the basic activities in their daily lives.
Objective data that you gather with the MAT® is also extremely important to help communication between yourself, your patients or clients, other health and fitness professionals and third-parties who oversee and pay for your patients or clients sessions.
Want To See If The MAT Will Fit In Your Space?
Click The MAT below to see a 3D model OR open this page on your mobile device and click the AR button to view it in your space
Did You Know?
The MAT is being used in elite sporting environments all around the world - including in the NBA, NRL, AFL, FFA, ATP, Cirque Du Soleil and on the men’s and women’s ATP and PGA tours.

Cedric Audibert
"I've done a lot of different courses in my career, MAT has given me a lot of answers."

Nora Kane
Pilates Instructor
"I really enjoyed the MAT course, my clients are really going to value having a tool to measure their progress with."

Ruben De Poza
Tennis Fitness Coach
"This course was so good! I learnt a lot to apply with my tennis players. I would recommend it to anyone."

Want to learn our favourite test to use with the MAT?
Get a taste of the MAT Course experience with a FREE module from the course.