Strength Isometric Test: Neck Extension strength-isometric Sep 06, 2023

Here's how you can test neck extension isometric strength using Muscle Meter:

Materials Needed:

  1. Muscle Meter: This is a device used to measure force or muscle strength. It typically consists of a handle and a sensor that quantifies the force applied.

  2. Adjustable chair or bench: A stable su

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Strength Isometric Test: Neck Flexion strength-isometric Sep 06, 2023

Here's how you can test neck flexion isometric strength using Muscle Meter:

Materials Needed:

  1. Muscle Meter: This is a device used to measure force or muscle strength. It typically consists of a handle and a sensor that quantifies the force applied.

  2. Adjustable chair or bench: A stable surf

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Strength Isometric Test: Prone Hip External Rotation strength-isometric Sep 06, 2023

Here is a general overview of the testing protocol for prone hip external rotation (ER) isometric strength:

  1. Have the client adopt a prone position on a massage table, with the testing leg flexed at the knee to 90 degrees.
  2. It is recommended that the practitioner set themselves up on the contralat...
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Strength Isometric Test: Prone Hip Internal Rotation strength-isometric Sep 06, 2023

To test prone hip internal rotation (IR) isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a prone position on a massage table, with the testing leg flexed at the knee to 90 degrees.
  2. The practitioner should manually bring the client’s leg into roughly 5 de...
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Strength Isometric Test: Ankle Toe Extension strength-isometric Aug 31, 2023

To test toe extension isometric strength, follow these general steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying down on a table with their shoes and socks off. Ask the client to slide down the table until their toes of the testing foot are hanging just over the edge of the table. 
  2. To ensure...
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Strength Isometric Test: Ankle Toe Flexion strength-isometric Aug 31, 2023

To test toe flexion isometric strength, follow these general steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying down on a table with their shoes and socks off. Ask the client to slide down the table until their toes of the testing foot are hanging just over the edge of the table. 
  2. To ensure t...
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Strength Isometric Test: Wrist Grip Strength strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

To test grip strength isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Have the client seated in an upright position, with the elbow tucked into their torso and flexed to 90 degrees. The elbow should also be in a neutral position of pronation and supination.
  2. Once set, hand the...
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Strength Isometric Test: Wrist Extension strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

To test wrist extension isometric strength with a handheld dynamometer, you can follow these steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying flat on a massage table or mat, with the testing elbow locked out straight by their side. The client’s elbow should be pronated for this test.
  2. In the...
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Strength Isometric Test: Elbow Extension strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

Here is a general protocol for testing elbow extension isometric strength with a Muscle Meter:

  1. Have the client seated in an upright position, with their elbow tucked into their torso and flexed to 90 degrees, or perhaps a little bit more. The client’s elbow should be in a supinated position. 
  2. Th...
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Strength Isometric Test: Elbow Flexion strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

Here are the steps to test elbow flexion isometric strength with a Muscle Meter:

  1. Have the client seated in an upright position, with their elbow tucked into their torso and flexed to 90 degrees. Their elbow should remain in a supinated position.
  2. The practitioner should then position themselves a...
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Strength Isometric Test: Wrist Flexion strength-isometric Jul 10, 2023

To test wrist flexion isometric strength with a Muscle Meter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Have the client adopt a supine position, lying flat on a massage table or mat, with the testing elbow locked out straight by their side. The client’s elbow should be supinated for this test.
  2. In the name of ...
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Strength Isometric Test: Shoulder ASH 90-135-180 Deg strength-isometric Jul 09, 2023

Testing ASH (Athletic Shoulder Test) isometric strength with a Muscle Meter can be done below. Although it is not essential, it is advisable that the practitioner uses a MegaMat, (or something similar) when conducting this testing protocol. Utilizing a tool such as the MegaMat will ensure that there...

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