Spine Orthopaedic Test: Straight Leg Raise Test

orthopaedic tests Jun 02, 2023
Straight Leg Raise

The Straight Leg Raise (SLR) Test is a physical examination technique used to assess the presence of nerve root irritation or compression in the lumbar spine. Here's how you can perform it:

  1. Position the patient in a supine position on a treatment table with their legs straight.
  2. Ask the patient to identify any area of their lower back, buttocks, or legs that is painful or uncomfortable.
  3. Place one hand under the patient's ankle, and the other hand on the patient's knee.
  4. Slowly and gently raise the patient's affected leg, keeping it straight, until the patient reports pain or discomfort.
  5. Note the angle of hip flexion at which the patient reports pain or discomfort. This is known as the pain threshold angle.
  6. Lower the leg to the starting position and repeat the procedure on the opposite side.
  7. If the patient experiences pain or discomfort in both legs, you can perform the test with both legs raised simultaneously.

In general, a positive SLR test is defined as reproduction of the patient's symptoms at a specific degree of hip flexion, typically between 30 and 60 degrees. 



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