Hip Flexibility Testing: MAT Hip Internal Rotation Test
May 23, 2023
Whilst the hip joint is capable of movement in all three planes of motion some movements tend to be more important for certain movements than others. Most of the time assessment of these movements will occur in unloaded positions such as supine or seated.
One of the most important movements when it comes to upright function is the ability of the hip to internally rotate in integration with the rest of the lower limb in a standing position. This is the movement of most athletic tasks (change of direction, throwing, golf swing etc) as it allows for effective eccentric loading of the big muscles of the hip and lower limb. It is important to be able to assess this movement in an upright way as limitation elsewhere in the knee or ankle can effect the overall ability for internal rotation through the kinematic chain.
Hip internal rotation is also one of the first movements to become limited and painful when managing hip pathology so it is useful for therapists looking to track the progression of there clients alongside other hip assessments.
Typically when assessing males you will find individuals achieving around 60° of hip and lower limb internal rotation, females will typically score around 70-75°. Less than 45° of hip and lower limb internal rotation is considered restricted in most cases.
- The client stands on one leg with heel in the centre of the MAT star. The second toe is advised to be placed on the 45° line as a starting position.
- Cue the client to elevate the opposite leg to 90° of hip flexion and place one hand on the assessor's shoulder and either measurement ruler or dowl rod marked on the central MAT measurement line. The aim is to make sure the client feels stable in this position so that the focus of the assessment is on the range of motion available, not balance.
- Advised the client to twist on their stance leg so as to touch the inside of the opposite thigh on the ruler or down rod.
- Note whether or not the stance foots great toe loses contact with the MAT, if not increase the angle of the stance foot by 5° and repeat.
- The result of the test is the last angulation that the client can rotate to before losing contact with the MAT.
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