Strength Endurance Test: Hamstring Bridge - Endurance (DL+SL)

strength-endurance Jan 15, 2024

The Hamstring Endurance Test - Double Leg assesses the endurance and strength of both hamstring muscles simultaneously. Here's a general way to perform it:

  1. Setup: Lie flat on your stomach with your legs straight and your hands placed under your hips for support.
  2. Movement: Engage your core and lift both legs a few inches off the ground simultaneously, keeping them straight.
  3. Hold: Maintain this lifted position for as long as possible without arching your back or allowing your legs to drop.
  4. Endurance Measurement: The test measures the duration in seconds that you can hold both legs off the ground, indicating the endurance and strength of the hamstring muscles in both legs.

As always, proper form is crucial to get an accurate measure of hamstring endurance. This test should be done cautiously to avoid strain or injury, especially if you have any preexisting conditions or concerns. Consulting a fitness professional or physical therapist for guidance is recommended.

Normative data for specific fitness tests like the Hamstring Endurance Test - Double Leg might not be as widely available or standardized compared to more common assessments. The availability of normative data could depend on various factors such as the specific protocol used, the population being studied, and the context in which the test is applied.

The Hamstring Endurance Test - Single Leg assesses the endurance and strength of the hamstring muscles in one leg at a time. Here's a general way to perform it:

  1. Setup: Lie flat on your back with one leg bent at the knee, the foot flat on the ground, and the other leg extended straight up toward the ceiling.
  2. Movement: Engage your core and lift your hips off the ground, driving through the heel of the foot that's on the ground. Keep your extended leg in line with your hips and torso, not allowing it to drop or rotate outward.
  3. Hold: Maintain this lifted position for as long as possible without compromising form or experiencing excessive discomfort. The test measures how long you can sustain the lifted position while keeping the hips level and without your extended leg dropping.
  4. Endurance Measurement: The test duration, typically measured in seconds, indicates the endurance and strength of the hamstring muscles in the active leg.

It's crucial to ensure proper form throughout the test to get an accurate measure of hamstring endurance. Always perform exercises like these under supervision or guidance if you're new to them to prevent injury and ensure correct technique.

Normative data for specific fitness tests can vary based on factors like age, gender, and fitness level. Norms for hamstring endurance tests, especially single-leg variations, might not be as widely established or standardized compared to more common assessments like strength or cardiovascular tests.


  • Macdonald, Ben, et al. "Single-leg Roman chair hold is more effective than the Nordic hamstring curl in improving hamstring strength-endurance in Gaelic footballers with previous hamstring injury." The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 33.12 (2019): 3302-3308.
  • Freckleton, Grant, Jill Cook, and Tania Pizzari. "The predictive validity of a single leg bridge test for hamstring injuries in Australian Rules Football Players." British journal of sports medicine 48.8 (2014): 713-717.
  • Pori, Primož, et al. "Predictive validity of the single leg hamstring bridge test in military settings." Applied Sciences 11.4 (2021): 1822.
  • Krause, David A., et al. "Abdominal muscle performance as measured by the double leg-lowering test." Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 86.7 (2005): 1345-1348.
  • Çelenk, Çağrı, et al. "The effect of quadriceps femoris and hamstring muscular force on static and dynamic balance performance." International Journal of Physical Education Sports and Health 2.2 (2015): 323-325.
  • Mohtadi, Nicholas G., and Denise S. Chan. "A randomized clinical trial comparing patellar tendon, hamstring tendon, and double-bundle ACL reconstructions: patient-reported and clinical outcomes at 5-year follow-up." JBJS 101.11 (2019): 949-960.


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