Strength Endurance Test: Arm Curl Test

strength-endurance Jan 15, 2024

The Arm Curl Test is a physical fitness assessment that measures upper body strength and endurance, specifically the strength and endurance of the arm muscles involved in curling motions. It is commonly used in fitness testing, exercise programs, and research studies. 

Here's a general description of the Arm Curl Test:

  1. Equipment: The test typically requires a set of dumbbells or weighted bars with adjustable weights. The weights should be appropriate for the individual being tested, allowing for a challenging yet manageable load, typically 4kg.
  2. Setup:
    1. The individual stands with their feet shoulder-width apart and arms fully extended by their sides, holding the dumbbells or weighted bars.
    2. The weights used for the test should be determined based on the individual's age, sex, and fitness level. Generally, lighter weights are used for older adults or individuals with lower strength levels, while heavier weights are used for younger, fitter individuals.
  3. Procedure:
    1. On the command to begin, the individual flexes their elbow joint, bringing the weight toward their shoulder while keeping the upper arm stationary.
    2. The movement should be controlled and performed at a steady pace, without any jerking or swinging motions.
    3. The individual continues to perform as many consecutive curls as possible within a set time frame, typically 30 seconds or 60 seconds.
    4. Proper form and technique are important to ensure accurate and valid results. The full range of motion should be achieved with each curl, from full extension of the elbow to a fully flexed position.
  4. Measurement:
    1. The number of complete arm curls performed within the designated time period is recorded as the result.
    2. The recorded score represents the individual's upper body strength and endurance, specifically the muscles involved in the arm curling movement.


The Arm Curl Test assesses the strength and endurance of the biceps, brachialis, and brachioradialis muscles of the upper arm. It provides an indication of an individual's ability to repeatedly lift and curl weights, which can be relevant for various daily activities and physical tasks that require upper body strength.

The interpretation of a "normal" result for the Arm Curl Test can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, fitness level, and the specific population being assessed. The test is typically used to measure upper body strength and endurance, specifically the muscles involved in arm curling motions.

A "normal" result in the Arm Curl Test generally indicates good upper body strength and endurance. However, it's important to note that what is considered "normal" can vary depending on the context, age group, sex, and fitness level.



  1. James, Thomas Wade. The 30-second arm curl test as an indicator of upper body strength in older adults. California State University, Fullerton, 1999.
  2. Dunsky, Ayelet, Moshe Ayalon, and Yael Netz. "Arm-curl field test for older women: is it a measure of arm strength?." The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 25.1 (2011): 193-197.
  3. Liu, Chiung-ju, et al. "Predicting hand function in older adults: evaluations of grip strength, arm curl strength, and manual dexterity." Aging clinical and experimental research 29 (2017): 753-760.

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